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RV Gravity-fed town water hook-up inlet with securing hatch home


Element of aftermarket care of your RV may be the upkeep that is continual of rig. Unfortuitously, the rigors regarding the road place lots of damage on your own vehicle that is recreational and your gear stops working, you will need solutions, no more issues. Welcome to RecPro. We are right right here to assist.

One item that is exterior RVs that has a tendency to break up as a result of age, rigor, and general use may be the town water hook-up on the leisure car. While a straightforward element of your RV, this product is a must to your capability to keep away on the highway, also for part-time travel. This outside fill slot is easily worn out due to the outside elements constantly attacking it, along with the interior construction being under some pressure whilst in usage. That one item draws an entire listing of issues that you will deal with increased than as soon as within the lifetime of one’s RV. But, like we stated, we are right right right right here to assist.

RecPro provides an aftermarket update that will assist re re solve not just problems with basic use, but in addition security issues with getting your main water available to outside tampering. Our Gravity-Fed City liquid Hook-Up Inlet with Locking Hatch Door is really a step-up in water access choices for your leisure automobile.

First, our socket stands that beats all others by providing two ports that are separate importing water to your basin.

The town hook-up is just a port that is filtered universal threaded accessory that may hook up to most hoses and water providing add-ons in the marketplace as well as in campgrounds round the nation. The additional slot is a wide lips inlet that is angled upwards and it is a gravity given opening for portable water sources which you provide. Another internal additional that can help the condition that is overall of product is really a 1/2″ screened air flow port that can help keep pressures equalized during use.

Next, our inlet is designed with a UV stabilized synthetic that is resistant to cracking, temperature variants, and proceeded usage. The external area is additionally built to accept paint more readily than many other rivals into the industry that do not enable coatings to adhere and result in flaking.

3rd, our inlet includes a hatch that is lockable could keep your water sources secure from tampering, in addition to maintaining the surface elements from increasing when you travel and camp around the world. If you should be attempting to fill your tank but have to have a tendency to other duties starting your campsite, now worries, we have you covered. Our lockable hatch features a moving port home that enables you to run a water hose through the doorway even though it is closed.

This home is a step that is definite just the right way towards updating the surface of the RV. Get yours by calling our helpful customer service department today!


  • Gravity/city water inlet in lockable hatch
  • 1/2″ MPT and 1 1/4″ barb connections
  • Cutout proportions: 5 7/8″ W x 4 3/4″ H
  • Outside proportions: 7 5/8″ W x 6 1/2″ H
  • Paintable UV stabilized plastic
  • 1/2 inches atmosphere vent for quick fill
  • Includes: installation screws

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